Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Followers Unite!

I have neglected this blog for quite some time! Enough is enough, Brigid. I will be checking in and speaking up on a more regular basis from here on out. I have missed the fun of putting thoughts on "paper" and getting feedback and conversation out of it. Let's talk!

At the top of my blog page, on the left hand side there is a spot titled "Followers." Click on that and you will be kept in the loop. I look forward to hearing from you guys...and it's time to send me some new book titles to add to The List. Also, when you read any of those books...make sure you post your review/reaction at my blog. The List has been an on-going favorite for quite a few of you, so your reviews will help us all decide what book to read next! :)



Janet said...

Hi Brig,
Good to see you back in the blog world. :-)

One blog you might enjoy following is Some great ideas for Catholic moms there.

nordan76 said...

well i use to look in here now and then :)
Good that you are back
I also have a blog, but it's in swedish, but you can look at the pictures
