Monday, August 3, 2009

To Have and to Hold

This has been such a crazy, rainy week. The children would remind me each morning during our breakfast prayers that we needed to pray for good weather for Saturday. My brother Greg's big day was coming, we were so excited for his wedding to lovely Meridith we could hardly stand it! Each day we had lots of rain, lighting, thunder...very atmaspheric, but not hopeful for a soon-to-be outdoor family wedding. We prayed and prayed...and Saturday dawned spectacularly beautiful and sunny. Picture perfect wedding weather!

Pulling up to Maura and Seth's farm and seeing the tents all set large yellow and white striped tent for the dancing/band/bar area...additional white tents for dining, the buffet...amazing. There were white balloons tied along the fencing next to the road, people relaxing and greeting one another with cold drinks, music, and anticipation in the air. I spotted a new, lovely arbor in the shade under the giant tree, with a white runner leading to it from the house. I loved the look of the benches that Greg had made using long strips of wood and bales of hay. It looked like a scene from a movie. There was the outdoor "church", and it looked idyllic. When it was time for the wedding to start, everyone found a seat, or gathered around, and soft music wafted over the yard. Dried rose petals were sprinkled all over the runner, it was so pretty. Meri's brother walked his mother down the isle, and two cute young girls from the Sander's family followed in sundresses the color of fresh grass, carrying really gorgeous bouquets tied with ribbons. When Meridith appeared, the theme from Rocky began, and she beamed all the way down the isle on her fathers arm while we all clapped and cheered. Meridith was glowing and looking so gorgeous in her wedding dress. What a way to begin! The wedding itself was lovely, sincere, and touching...Mom and I (and many others!) were sniveling away during the vows. I had such a sence of how much love was flowing out and over the crowd, for Greg and Meridith, and how many prayers were covering over their journey to one another, leading to this day. The minister who married them had some wonderful things to say about the blessings of marriage, and the importance of faith and having Jesus in the center of your marraige relationship. You couldn't help but nod in agreement and grab your honey's hand...well, I know I did. It was a good reminder, inspiring, uplifting, and life-affirming. After the "You may kiss the bride!" moment, much to my shock and delight (I know I wasn't alone in this reaction based on the gasps, cheers, hoots and hollers that errupted) the Star Wars theme burst forth and the new Mr. and Mrs. Pooler walked up the isle together. It was the perfect combination of elements to create a sacred celebration experience.

The reception that followed this was much relaxing time to visit with people gathered from all walks of Greg and Meri's life. The food was scrumptious, all Italian yummies from Mama's in Mt. Olive. They did it up right, people. It was a hogatha of pastas, sausages, amazing mini calzones and wraps of all types, salad, stuffed mushrooms, you name it. We relaxed in the sunshine enjoying sangria (and an number of other delish drinks), laughter, catch-up visits and conversation...just awesome. Meg surprised us all by singing the song she'd written for Meri and Greg, and they danced to it as their first dance as husband and wife. It was beautiful, perfect. People had a chance to boogie down to fun live music as Greg, Shannon, Erin, Maura, and Art's band played fun and funky classic dance toons...and later Greg kept the party hopping with some expertly crafted party CD's he'd burned just for the occasion. A fantastic time was had by all. That evening a fire burned in the large fire pit and many of us gathered around for more chill time (because we hadn't relaxed enough, apparently!), to share more laughs, conversation and libations. Some of us headed home eventually, but there was much camping in the yard that night too, people had set up tents in the upper field. No one seemed daunted by the early dawn monsoon that swept in! I headed back to Budd Lake the next day, and most of the sisters, and Mom, gathered with Greg and Mer there to clean up and put away equiptment, etc. The cleaning took place in a major rain storm, but the when we finished the sun came out and made the whole yard glow. We gathered around one of the big tables with take out from the BLD (Budd Lake Diner)...everyone had grilled cheese on the brain for some reason...and stretched that meal into a long and relaxing celebration. With a little prompting we finally got the whole story of Greg and Meridiths courtship, we had never heard all the good details from Greg...he's such a man! None of us wanted that day to end, it was hard to say goodbye when we were all hugging and heading our seperate ways that evening. Why must all good things come to an end, I ask you?

It's experiences like this weekend that remind me of how rich this life is. Witnessing my brother, who I love so much, embarking on a new, anointed chapter in his life...having so much love for our new sister Meridith...celebrating their love and's all so good! This is what it's all, Jesus, sunshine, music, breaking bread together, praying for one another, witnessing and supporting one anothers milestones, taking chances and staying open to new adventures, gathering those you love in one place whenever possible, and always remembering that we have the opportunity to love one another, till death do us part...and beyond.

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